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Encuentro para la facilitación del comercio Canarias-África Occidental
In 2020, a working meeting was held between several Spanish organisations and the Federation of West African Chambers with several objectives, including: defining the Spanish position, preparing an open presentation to the public of the new Horizon Africa strategy, and the organisation of this Meeting between Chambers to facilitate trade between the Canary Islands and West Africa.
The meeting will take place on 19 and 20 July 2021 and can be followed live on the Zoom platform. To attend, prior registration is essential.
The first day's activity is designed to promote the Canary Islands' status as an outermost region within the European Union and its proximity and connectivity with the countries of West Africa, which makes it the ideal channel for economic and business relations between the two continents.
The second day will focus on logistics, transport and customs.
The main objectives are to strengthen the chamber network, both Spanish and African and in turn between them; the search for synergies and possible ways of collaboration; to promote trade and investment relations between Spanish companies and ECOWAS countries; and the possible mobilisation of financial resources.
Among those attending this meeting will be representatives of the FEWACCI (Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce) and other African chambers, as well as the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and other Spanish chambers of commerce.
This meeting is organised by Casa África and the Government of the Canary Islands through the Directorate General for Economic Affairs with Africa and Proexca.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Gran Canaria, ICEX and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce are collaborating in the organisation of this meeting.
On the part of Casa África, this activity is part of the CONFIAFRI2 project, which is part of the INTERREG MAC 2014-2020 Programme and is co-financed by the FEDER Regional Development Fund. On the part of PROEXCA, this activity is carried out within the framework of its CUSTOMS project, of the same INTERREG MAC 2014-2020 Programme.
This meeting is organised by Casa África, PROEXCA and the Government of the Canary Islands through the Directorate General for Economic Affairs with Africa.
Collaborating in the organisation of this meeting are: the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Gran Canaria, the Territorial Directorate of the Ministry of Commerce and ICEX.