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Residencia artística de FEHE – La historia de Teaupla
The aim is to tell a story of the Dakar-Plateau neighborhood, in Senegal and That of a neighborhood in the city of Madrid, Spain; their toponymy and intangible heritage through words, music, and video.
For each city, he will choose 4 streets or avenues on which he will write a double story: the history of the official name of the place and the popular history of the same area according to the urban oral traditions of the district. This documentation will be transcribed into pieces of rap music that he will play live on the corner of these same streets.
The idea is to film these performances and to finish with a live show (images and sound) on stage where all this documentation will be rendered. The intention behind this project is to tell the story of places he's familiar with (Plateau) and places where his gaze is that of an outsider (Madrid). Address their memory and their heritage in a different way, close to urban artistic practices, but also to put into practice a specific approach that he has of orality and its functionalities in urban areas. It is also an occasion for him to collaborate with different artists from different backgrounds in Madrid and engage in a conversation after having shared with them the way their city is seen through the eyes of a Teaupla kid. It will also be a question of applying knowing and documenting processes rooted in Orality and Hip -Hop.
Fehe Sarr is an artist, researcher and translator living in Dakar, passionate about Orality and Knowledge production/transmission. Having studied Language, Literature and Civilizations of the English-speaking World at the University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis, he developed an interest for Orality, a field in which he specialized for his master's degree. He released his first EP Juroom in November 2017 on digital platforms. It features the different musical universes that have shaped the MC, author, and composer he has become. The same year he participated in the Raw Academy Session 3 entitled The Five Elements: Hip Hop, Aesthetics and Politics under the direction of the Journal Rappé team. Fehe is currently a doctoral student at the ARCIV laboratory of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. He is conducting research in African Studies (Literatures and Societies of Africa), on Senegalese Rap, its aesthetics and the dynamics of knowledge circulation in the texts, with a perspective resolutely anchored in the field of Orality. He is also co-founder of Firi, which is a platform for the translation, production and dissemination of artistic, academic and informational content in local languages, through logics related to Orality as an order of knowledge.