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In this new edition of #ÁfricaEsNoticia we wish to throw a little light on one of the new focal points of jihadism on the African continent: the north of Mozambique, one of the most concerning hot spots together with Sahel and northern Nigeria.. The region of Cabo Delgado, a strategic territory for the country due to the large deposits of gas and rubies, and with great agricultural potential, has witnessed in recent year the eruption of fundamentalist violence; a group known locally as Al-Shabab has already caused more than 1,500 deaths and a conflict which is now centred on a poor region. The area seems to be cursed with a loss of resources and is outside the control of the Mozambique government.
The situation in the north of the country is not only unstable due to the appearance of this new front, linked to the Islamic State, but it has also provoked an authentic humanitarian catastrophe in the region. According to data from the OCHCA, 1.3 million people need urgent humanitarian aid and protection in the three northern provinces of the country. There are, furthermore, 670,00 displaced persons inside the country because of this violence. According to ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project) over 570 violent incidents were registered during the year 2020.
In order to understand what is happening in Mozambique, we will count on the findings of two experts from this country: the analyst Salvador Forquilha, from the think-tank Instituto de Estudios Sociais y Economicos IESE - (Institute for Social and Economic Studies) and the journalist and investigator for the Human Rights Watch (HRW), Zenaida Machado. We will also have an on the spot view from the Spaniard Jesús Pérez, head of the Ayuda En Acción charity for Cabo Delgado. During the live connection, we will also hear an analysis from journalist and investigator from the University of Navarra, David Soler; the director of the Instituto de Estudios sobre el Conflicto y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH) - Institute for Studies on Conflict and Humanitarian Action, Jesús Núñez Villaverde and the Spanish Ambassador in Mozambique, Alberto Cerezo.
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