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COVID-19 and gender equality
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">As in previous years, the Metal and New Technologies SME Federation in Las Palmas (Femepa) is organising an event to celebrate International Women's Day. On this occasion, the meeting will be about the impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and will take place on Friday, 5th March, from 11:30 to 13:30 hours, at the Femepa board meeting room (C/. mso-bidi-font-family:Lato;color:black">León y Castillo, 89 – 4ª planta-Las Palmas de G.C.).
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">Those who wish to attend may do so live via mso-bidi-font-family:Lato;color:#ED7D31">this link Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE"> or on the corporate Facebook Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">wall. Those who cannot follow it live can see the full session whenever they wish to on the Lato;color:#ED7D31;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">Youtube channel FEMEPA.
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">The President of Femepa, Vicente Marrero, will inaugurate the session, accompanied by the Organisation Secretary, Juan Carlos Betancor, and the Director of the Canarian Institute for Equality, Kika Fumero.
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">Following this, (12:00 horas), the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) expert, Nayra Monzón, will discuss the “Effects of the Pandemic on Gender Equality” and at 12:15 hours, there will be a round table session to discuss these effects on gender equality, a call for action from the business sector, the impact of COVID-19 in Africa and the benefits provided by Equality measures. The discussion will count on the participation of the representatives of ASEME, ADECCO and Casa África: Eva Serrano, Isabel Guillén and Ana Cárdenes, respectively.
Lato;color:#F37A00">Femepa mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">, as representative of the Metal and New Technologies sector is in favour of a change towards a business model in which equal opportunity and non-discrimination become a reality and not merely by law, but also from within the company itself, with the firm intention of projecting this to the companies belonging to the Federation.
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">The COVID-19 crisis requires an immediate response, both co-ordinated and centred on people which focuses on gender at the same time.
Lato;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">Femepa has organised this event with all this in mind, in line with its II Equality Plan. Click on the link below to see the Programme for this event.
Lato;color:#ED7D31;mso-ansi-language:EN-IE" xml:lang="EN-IE">Check the programme of the event