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Ciclo #ÁfricaEsNoticia | Conferencia 4: Seguridad alimentaria, migraciones y cambio climático en el Sahel
This is the fourth conference of the four online seminars* which Casa África is organising on different topics related to western Africa and Sahel, led by experts and some of the involved parties.
The objective of these meetings is twofold:
- to increase understanding in Spain of various aspects related to security in the region, which is of prime concern for our country,
- to generate a space which will provide a voice for both Spanish and African experts, and as a result, generate contact networks and mutual understanding.
The concept of food security and the impact of climate change on the region of Sahel are fundamental elements related to the causes of destabilisation in the area. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should also be added to the equation. As Henrietta Fore, executive director of UNICEF, says “this has turned the food crisis into an imminent catastrophe”. According to this organisation, 10.4 million children could suffer from acute malnutrition in the coming year in the Democratic Republic of Congo, north-east Nigeria, central Sahel, South Sudan and Yemen.
Climate change is provoking difficulties in the access to certain resources such as water or basic foods, thus contributing to forced migration, generating a risk for the geo-political stability of the countries in the region. Here temperatures are increasing 1.5 times faster than the world average, according to Climate Watch and UNO sources.
For all these reasons and many more, in this fourth conference of the cycle we will talk about food security, migration and climate change in Sahel, with the participation of:
- Abdou Maisharov, co-ordinator for the Great Green Wall project, from Niger
- Oriol Puig, CIDOB investigator
- Ángeles Lucas, journalist from the newspaper El País
We will be able to listen to this talk by the experts on Thursday 27th May, 2021 from 6 p.m. (Madrid time) via the Casa África social network: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
*This activity has received a grant from the Ministry of Defence.