Dounia in Contact
Briefing about the institution

Dounia (= the world) in Contact was founded by Mohamed Soumah and Nora Meesen with the vision to create a network for art and culture. Its focus lies in intercultural collaborations, creating visibility for authentic West-African art, promoting culture as a factor of sustainable development and consulting.

We stand for unity in diversity.

Boluda Corporación Marítima
Briefing about the institution

Empresa EspañolaBOLUDA CORPORACIÓN MARÍTIMA                                                   

Dirección: Bureau URD Mole I Port Autonome de Dakar 
C.P. / Ciudad: Dakar
Estado / Provincia: Dakar
Teléfono: +221 338236329
Fax: +221 338235866 

Sectores sede local:
-Transporte marítimo de mercancías.