Gilson Lázaro es profesor asociado del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad Agostinho Neto e investigador del Centro de Estudios Africanos de la Universidad Católica de Angola.
Gustavo de Carvalho es un investigador del Instituto de Estudios de la Seguridad (ISS),en las Operaciones de Paz y en el Programa de Construcción de la Paz en Pretoria, capital de Sudáfrica.
ECREEE’s mandate is also perfectly aligned with the broader strategic goals of ECOWAS Vision 2020. It seeks to realize directly two of the components of this vision, namely: (1) ‘A region that anchors its development on sustainable development, including agricultural and mineral resource development strategy, and on planned agricultural and industrial strategies; a region that develops its infrastructure and makes services accessible to its citizens and enterprises.’ (2) ‘A region that conserves its environment and resources, promotes modes of equitable and sustainable development in economic, social and environmental fields; a region which brings its contribution to bear on resolution of the common problems and challenges confronting the planet.’