Guillermo Pie Jahn

Guillermo Pié Jahn (Barcelona) es filólogo. Se ha especializado en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Ha trabajado como profesor de español en Alemania, España, Francia, Madagascar, Marruecos y Guinea Ecuatorial.

Embajada de España en Sudáfrica (Madagascar)
Briefing about the institution

Embajada de España en Sudáfrica (Madagascar)


  • Lord Charles Complex. 337 Brooklyn Road. Brooklyn. Pretoria 0181


Embajada de España en Sudáfrica
Briefing about the institution

Embajada de España en Sudáfrica


  • Lord Charles Complex. 337 Brooklyn Road. Brooklyn. Pretoria 0181


Briefing about the institution

Africaye es un proyecto creado en 2015 dedicado a entender África subsahariana a través de las ciencias sociales, el periodismo y la historia.  En esta plataforma se intenta explicar la actualidad africana a través de las noticias mediáticas y puntuales, pero también, a través de la contextualización y de los procesos y fenómenos del continente.

Briefing about the institution


Proexca es una empresa pública adscrita a la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento y Empleo del Gobierno de Canarias que tiene como objetivos prioritarios promover la internacionalización de las empresas canarias y atraer inversiones estratégicas hacia las islas. Para conseguirlo, acompañan a las empresas canarias en sus procesos de apertura a nuevos mercados con el fin de diversificar la economía regional, fortalecer el tejido empresarial canario y promover la creación de empleo.

Entre los servicios que ofrece PROEXCA se encuentran:

  • la promoción exterior , que cuenta con programas de apoyo , una red exterior y  estudios de mercados.

  • la formación de talento, a través de cursos, seminarios, becas y formación en idiomas.

  • la inversión en Canarias,  con Canarias como hub y softlanding para aquellas empresas extranjeras que quieran utilizar las islas como base de exploración del mercado africano. 

PROEXCA también cuenta con un obsevatorio  económico Canarias - África. En este apartado encontrarán los últimos informes publicados, los países con los que trabaja PROEXCA (Cabo Verde, Marruecos, Senegal y Mauritania) e información de interés, como relaciones comerciales o estudios sectoriales. 

Briefing about the institution

Promover la internacionalización de las empresas andaluzas, con independencia de su sector de actividad y tamaño.

Université Mohammed V
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1957, Université Mohammed V (Mohammed V University) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Rabat (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Rabat-Sale-Kenitra. Officially recognized by the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres (Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Professional Training of Morocco), Université Mohammed V (UM5) is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: over-45,000 students) coeducational Moroccan higher education institution. Université Mohammed V (UM5) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 63 years old Moroccan higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic record and grades. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. UM5 also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

Université Al Akhawayn
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1995, Université Al Akhawayn (Al Akhawayn University) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the suburban setting of the large town of Ifrane (population range of 10,000-49,999 inhabitants), Fes-Meknes. This institution also has a branch campus in Casablanca. Officially recognized by the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres (Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Professional Training of Morocco), Université Al Akhawayn (AUI) is a small (uniRank enrollment range: 2,000-2,999 students) coeducational Moroccan higher education institution. Université Al Akhawayn (AUI) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 25 years old Moroccan higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students' past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 10-20% making this Moroccan higher education organization a most selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. AUI also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Université Cadi Ayyad
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1978, Université Cadi Ayyad (Cadi Ayyad University) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the large city of Marrakech (population range of 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants), Marrakesh-Safi. This institution also has a branch campus in Safi Kalaa Sraghana Saouira. Officially recognized by the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Formation des Cadres (Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Professional Training of Morocco), Université Cadi Ayyad (UCA) is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: 30,000-34,999 students) coeducational Moroccan higher education institution formally affiliated with the Islamic religion. Université Cadi Ayyad (UCA) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 42 years old Moroccan higher-education institution has a selective admission policy This higher education institution has an open admission policy. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. UCA also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

Université de Toliara
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1977, Université de Toliara (University of Toliary) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the small city of Toliara (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants). Officially recognized by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Madagascar (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Madagascar), Université de Toliara is a coeducational Malagasy higher education institution. Université de Toliara offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 43 years old Malagasy higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. Université de Toliara also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Université d'Antananarivo
Briefing about the institution

Established in 1961, Université d'Antananarivo (University of Antananarivo) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the metropolis of Antananarivo (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants). Officially recognized by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Madagascar (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Madagascar), Université d'Antananarivo is a coeducational Malagasy higher education institution. Université d'Antananarivo offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 59 years old Malagasy higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. Université d'Antananarivo also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Mohamed M. Hammú

Mohamed M. Hammú es narrador oral profesional desde 1996, pero ya antes sentía una gran inquietud por recuperar la tradición oral bereber preservada y difundida durante siglos por las mujeres bereberes.

Ali Salem Iselmu

Ali Salem Iselmu nació en la antigua ciudad de Villa Cisneros, actual Dajla. Como la mayoría de los saharauis, pertenece a una familia nómada que acampaba en Negyir, valle que se encuentra entre la zona costera del Sáhara Occidental y el Tiris.

Leïla Maziane

Leïla Maziane es profesora de historia moderna en la Universidad Hassan II de Casablanca. También es miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Internacional de Historiadores del Mediterráneo y de la Red Internacional de "La Gobernanza de los Puertos del Atlántico (siglos XIV a XX)".


Nace en Tetuán (Marruecos), en 1996. Se graduó en el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.


Zoulikha Bouabdellah es hija de Hassen Bouahbellah, un director de cine y escritor argelino, y Malika Dorbani, exdirectora del Museo de Bellas Artes de Argel. Tras su nacimiento en Moscú creció en la capital argelina hasta los 16 años.

Meryam El Ouafi

Co-fundadora y socio de Gems. Experta en gestión comercial y contabilidad, con especialidad en dirección estratégica.

Albert Roca Álvarez

Albert Roca es doctor en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universitat de Barcelona y profesor titular de la Universidad de Lleida.