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Briefing about the institution

Me dedico al comercio de material de construcon y alimnetacion en 25 paises africanos.-

Desarrollando redes de comercio con personas locales empoderando sus ganas de ser utiles.

Llevo el comercio hasta dentro de los países .

Briefing about the institution

WANGUMAR SLU, Wangüemert Fisheries Management and Aquaculture, es una empresa creada por la Dra. Mercedes Wangüemert para ofrecer servicios de asesoría y formación, en la gestión de pesquerías y acuicultura de invertebrados marinos. Principalmente, la Dra. Wangüemert está especializada en la acuicultura y gestión de pesquerías de pepinos de mar del Mediterráneo y NE del Atlántico, acumulando más de 18 años de experiencia en este campo.

Durante su carrera profesional, ha trabajado en diferentes centros internacionales de investigación y universidades, favoreciendo la transferencia de I+D desde dichos centros, a empresas privadas de Europa y África, colaborando también con organismos gubernamentales y ONGs. En los últimos años ha centrado su actividad en el asesoramiento en países africanos (Cabo Verde, Liberia, Marruecos, Angola, etc), para la identificación de especies de interés comercial de pepinos de mar, evaluación de sus stocks, desarrollo de planes de explotación sostenibles, proyectos de desarrollo de acuicultura de pepino de mar en sistemas multitróficos, planes de mejora de procesado de beche de mer, etc.

African Methodist Episcopal University
Briefing about the institution

Established in 1995, African Methodist Episcopal University is a for-profit private higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Monrovia (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Montserrado. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Liberia, African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) is a small (uniRank enrollment range: 5,000-5,999 students) coeducational Liberian higher education institution formally affiliated with the Christian-Methodist religion. African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 25 years old Liberian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. The admission rate range is 30-40% making this Liberian higher education organization a very selective institution. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment. AMEU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

University of Liberia
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1951, University of Liberia is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Monrovia (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Montserrado. This institution also has a branch campus in Fendall. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Liberia, University of Liberia (UL) is a large (uniRank enrollment range: 15,000-19,999 students) coeducational Liberian higher education institution. University of Liberia (UL) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 69 years old Liberian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. The admission rate range is 70-80% making this Liberian higher education organization a somewhat selective institution. UL also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Cuttington University
Briefing about the institution

Established in 1998, Cuttington University is a non-profit private higher-education institution located in the rural setting of the metropolis of Monrovia (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), Montserrado. This institution also has a branch campus in Kakata. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Liberia, Cuttington University (CU) is a very small (uniRank enrollment range: 1,000-1,999 students) coeducational Liberian higher education institution formally affiliated with the Christian-Anglican religion. Cuttington University (CU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 22 years old Liberian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment. CU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta

Profesora Contratada Doctora de Relaciones Internacionales en el Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Licenciada en Derecho (1993) y en Ciencias Políticas (1996).