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Etiopía dice que Eritrea acepta retirar las tropas de Tigray
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Los hombres son obligados a violar a sus familiares en la región etíope de Tigray, según la ONU
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MSF afirma que su personal es testigo de la ejecución de civiles por parte de las tropas etíopes en Tigray
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Sassou-Nguesso ha ganado las elecciones presidenciales con el 88,57% de los votos
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El líder etíope Ahmed admite las atrocidades cometidas en Tigray
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'Prácticamente esto ha sido un genocidio'
El 24 de marzo de 2021, de 9:30h a 11:00h, a travésd e Zoom
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Elecciones presidenciales en Congo-Brazzaville: muerte del principal opositor Guy-Brice Parfait Kolel
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El corte de Internet marca la jornada electoral de las presidenciales de Congo
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La causa de la violencia en el oeste de Etiopía
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Okoundji, peta de los ancestros y la iniciación
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Etiopía: MSF denuncia la "destrucción deliberada" de hospitales en Tigray
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La ola de ataques en el estado etíope de Oromía deja ya al menos 42 fallecidos, mujeres y niños incluidos
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Etiopía: MSF condena los ataques generalizados a las clínicas de Tigray
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La intervención de los ancianos pone fin a la huelga de hambre de los políticos de la oposición de Oromo
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Etiopía dice que la situación humanitaria de Tigray "está mejorando"
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7.000 personas solicitan asilo en Sudán tras huir de la violencia en el oeste de Etiopía
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ONU: la malnutrición en Tigray es "muy crítica" y la respuesta muy pobre
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Etiopía: Las fuerzas del TPLF afirman haber matado a 502 soldados del gobierno
Bahir Dar University
Briefing about the institution

Established in 2001, Bahir Dar University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the small city of Bahir Dar (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Amhara Region. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Bahir Dar University (BDU) is a coeducational Ethiopian higher education institution. Bahir Dar University (BDU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. BDU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

Jimma University
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1983, Jimma University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Jimma (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Oromia Region. Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Jimma University (JU) is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: 35,000-39,999 students) coeducational Ethiopian higher education institution. Jimma University (JU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 37 years old Ethiopian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 70-80% making this Ethiopian higher education organization a somewhat selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. JU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

Addis Ababa University
Briefing about the institution

Founded in 1950, Addis Ababa University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Addis Ababa (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants). Officially recognized by the Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University (AAU) is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: over-45,000 students) coeducational Ethiopian higher education institution. Addis Ababa University (AAU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 70 years old Ethiopian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic record and grades. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. AAU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.

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En un peligroso juego del gato y el ratón, Irán busca nuevos objetivos en África